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Main Specifications: Specifications wind speed measurement range 0~30m/s
Starting wind speed 0.8m/s
Accuracy ±(0.3+0.03v) m/s (v direction wind speed)
Instantaneous wind speed parameters, the average wind speed, instantaneous wind levels, the average wind level, and the corresponding waves
Display resolution 0.1m/s (wind speed) 1 (wind scale) 0.1m (wave)
Specifications Measuring range wind direction from 0 to 360 degrees, 16 position
Starting wind speed 1.0m/s
Accuracy ±1/2 position
Wind direction positioning: Automatic
Operating temperature -10~45 C Humidity 100% RH (no condensation)
Power supply 3V (3.4~2.68V) 5 batteries 2
Size and weight dimensions 410*100*100 cubic millimeter
Weight 0.5kg
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