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Quality ph meter digital principle and precautions
The pH indicator electrode used by the quality ph meter digital is a plastic-shell rechargeable composite electrode combined with a glass electrode and a reference electrode. Filled with 3 molL KCL reference solution containing saturated AgC, pH 7. The pH-reflecting potential difference existing on both sides of the glass membrane was derived using the Ag/AgCI conduction system. Therefore, the glass electrode is a pH measuring electrode, which can generate a mV potential proportional to the pH value of the solution. When pH=7, this potential is 0mV, +mV corresponds to acidic pH, -mV corresponds to alkaline pH, and the measurement range is 0~14.
1. When the pH electrode is stored, the glass probe part of the composite electrode should be wrapped in a plastic sleeve filled with 3mol/L potassium chloride solution.
2. The glass membrane of the glass bulb of the glass electrode is very thin and is easily broken, so it should not be in contact with hard objects.
The above is a specific introduction to the use of quality ph meter digital, the testing principle and precautions of quality ph meter digital, etc. After reading this article, I believe that everyone will have a certain understanding of the use of quality ph meter digital. Quality ph meter digital plays an important role in our daily life, especially in today's era, with the rapid development of the economy and the increase in the level of industrialization. Then caused a series of problems, now using the quality ph meter digital, can accurately measure and achieve the role of early prevention.